Teaching your child or students to be aware of global warming? This special book discusses the changes in our environment that affect our planet. Lynas does an awesome job summarizing scientific research on climate change.  This book is excellent for science teachers who are assigning readings on global warming or class research projects.  Students who love science and who are interested in finding out about global warming or climate control levels would love the way this text breaks down every Celsius.

This book can be used for grades 5th-12th. 

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: National Geographic (October 7, 2008)

Language: English

Lexile Level : not listed

ISBN-10: 1426203853

ISBN-13: 978-1426203855

Mark Lynas

Is a talented British Author, along with being a environmental activist and journalist who has a passion for researching climate changes. Read his article published in 2012, called "In defense of nuclear power"

Visit his website at: http://www.marklynas.org/

Other books by this author include:

* The Carbon Calculator

*High Tide

Cool website: A world to win the future without global capitalism.


10/13/2013 06:17:13 am

I find the concept of this book really interesting and definitely something that should be discussed in the classroom at some point. It is also a topic that would need to have really solid information and science behind it, just because of all of the social drama surrounding global warming. This book looks like it would be able to provide that.

That being said, I can't help but want a little more information, if I were to either recommend the book or use it. I mean, the age range of 5th-12th grade is huge and considering the subject matter and the length of the book it makes me wonder if it would be useable for a 5th grader. Is it just big print or are there pictures and diagrams that help take up that space? And if it is 5th grade accessible, does it still have the complexity to be useful in highschool? I'd love to see a little more information about the structure of the book's interior.


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